Recovery Bible Study – JC House

At JC Recovery House we offer a Recovery Based Bible Study on Wednesday nights for all of our residents. This meeting is has transformed the lives of so many of the residents who attend.

The meeting starts off with worship music, most often times live. Then we start off the meeting with a prayer and get into the study. The Bible Study is led by our Founder, Stevie B. Stevie will often take prayer requests. This is opening up our community to pray for others in need, for many of residents praying for others is a new concept and it is fundamental for the recovery process. This helps build a sense of community and helps us all grow together.

The next part of our Recovery Bible Study is going over scripture and how it relates to us on the path of recovery. Stevie B has an amazing way of bringing the bible to life and making it easier to understand even for those that have no religious background. Often times this helps the newcomer grow in their faith because the bible has now become something they can relate to their personal life. It also helps those with great knowledge of the bible, yet they don’t know how to apply that knowledge to their road to recovery.

We invite everyone to Join Us to experience The Recovery Bible Study. We invite everyone struggling with any kind of addiction, any family member whose life is touched by addiction, or anyone who is curious what a life-changing faith-based recovery meeting looks like.

Recovery Bible Study / First Christian Chruch

201 SE 13th St

Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33316

Wednedsay Nights 8:30